What is Peruvian Park PTA?

In short, Peruvian Park PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is a non-profit business run by volunteers with the intention of supporting the students and staff at our school. We do this through a series of programs, grants for teachers, field trip funding, and more.

I am a working parent. Can I still be involved in the PTA?

Absolutely! Many of our most dedicated PTA members hold one or more jobs or even own their own business! There are several ways to be involved with the PTA:

  • Volunteer! You don’t need to be a PTA Member to volunteer for our programs, and many of the programs are held before or after school so that you can help out at a time that works best for you! There will also be opportunities where the volunteer work can be done from home. Check our volunteer page throughout the year to look for a volunteer time that works for you.
  • Become a member or donate! Even if you never volunteer or attend a meeting, your membership dues and/or donation will help us provide wonderful programs to our students. See below to find out how your dues support children throughout the country, look for our annual fundraiser in the fall, or find simple ways to support the school.

Where do my PTA dues go?

By joining PTA you are joining a national organization and your dues will be split between the local PTA unit (Peruvian Park), Utah PTA, and National PTA programs. Click here to see how your $3.25 in national dues makes a difference. Click here to see how your $1.75 in state dues makes a difference. The remainder of your funds stay with Peruvian Park PTA and supplement the annual budget.

How do I give input if I can’t attend any meetings or events?

We understand the meeting and event dates/times are not accessible to everyone. If you are unable to attend a meeting, please read through the meeting minutes for what was discussed. Throughout the year, General PTA Meetings will include a vote to approve the budget, elect new board members, etc. If you are unable to attend one of these meetings, please reach out to the board to see if there is an alternative way to submit your vote. You are always welcome to contact the PTA board at info@peruvianparkpta.org with ideas, questions or concerns.

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